An Open and Affirming Congregation
With the world still full of hatred and violence may our prayers be full of love, compassion and justice for all! May the God of peace touch our heart, mind and spirit, so this year will be truly a better world for us all!
Prayer Concern
Pray for the following:
Pray for all of those affected by COVID-19 – those who are sick, the medical personnel who are working with the people who are ill, people who are looking for a cure and a vaccine, all those whose jobs are affected by this pandemic, anyone quarantined or voluntarily isolating themselves socially.
Pray for Pres. Biden and all world leaders, that they may look beyond themselves to meet the needs of those they serve.
Pray for the Peace Makers of the world, that World Leaders will listen to them.
Pray for Military personnel, especially who are away from their families.
Pray for those you know who are experiencing any kind of crisis in their lives.